Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

We offer an extensive package (over 40 trading/market related topics and counting) of FX trading related webinars that cover a wide range of topics, from basic Forex fundamentals to advanced trading strategies. Your clients will gain the knowledge they need to succeed, thus potentially raising their trading volumes by making them more comfortable in their trading environment. At the end of the webinars, the senior trader will attend to the students in a Q&A session to gather feedback and answer questions.

What are the technical requirements?

The webinars can be carried out through many different platforms, with the most common one of them being ’GoToWebinar’. The used platform can be agreed upon and the client will need to organize BSF senior trader access to the agreed platform for the webinar purposes. The students then need to be able to freely access the webinar sessions through the chosen software.

How can I get a demo?

You can set up a meeting/call via various communication channels. Just use our Contact form or send an email to and our representative will contact you back as soon as possible.

Who is running Blue Sky Forex?

Neuchatel Limited is a company operating in the financial technology sector with Registration Number 8245873, having its office at 15 Hanover Square, W1S 1HS, London, UK.Neuchatel Ltd is not a regulated investment advisor and was established in 2011. It does not accept client deposits or trade funds on the client's behalf. Any investment advice that it may issue is educational and therefore should not be considered as investment advice.

How much does it cost?

By standard there is one webinar per week and up to four webinars per month. Price of each webinar is $250 and which results in $1000 per month. The amount of webinars per month and per week can be optimised to suit the company’s needs.

Do you have a refund policy?

There are no refunds for the already presented webinar sessions. Prior to establishing a contract, an introduction to the webinar material can be organized during a meeting/call. In addition to that, a Demo webinar recording can be made available to help review the services.

Do you accept any liability?

No, FX trading is a high risk trading activity and we do not recommend you to rely on any trade recommendations anyone else, who is NOT an authorized financial advisor, gives. BSF representatives are not authorized financial advisors. BSF is focused on providing educational services to retail traders allowing them to become more confident in trading the markets and become more productive traders.

Couldn't find your answer?

Please send an email to or visit the Contact page.

Thank you for contacting us, one of the BSB team will be in touch with you shortly.